Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Simple Challenge 8

..This should generate some interesting ideas, I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Arien was a pretty normal boy , on high school. He appeared as a casual person ,with not much special at all. But to him , it was the people who did not gem him. Arien had a particular like for super natural things, and did enjoy Haloween , a lot. He even had several posters portraying several creatures as vampires and witches, the latter he particulary fancied. Arien returned from school and back to his home . After another oridnary day he went to sleep. Tomorrow nevertheless was not so boring...it was Haloween. But Arien were not happy, rather sad.He wanted to feel special , but neither of the costumes he could afford were that "special" to him. As he was about to sleep , he heard a soft voice speaking to him. "Hello Arien". Who was it? Arien looked around , and to h is surprise, the shadowy figure of what seemed as a witch could be barely seen on the unlit room. Arien, why are you so sad? the figure asked as if she already knew him. "Well...". Arien could not complete his answer. "You know...you are really special , and I will help you see that."-it said , before dissapearing. "Wait..-arien meant to yell, but he felt tired, he drifted of to a dreamless sleep. Tomorrow , he woke up early, something he had never done before. He went to pick up his school clothes, but his whole locker is empty, except for some Haloween costume of a witch. "Yeah...whoever has done this... nevermind , I should look for my clothes"-he said to himself. He began looking around. Suddenly he felt like something was punching through his chest. The pain had him fall over his bed, where he noticed small strange of grayish-blue hair falling down to his face. He stood p , and then began looking around again. Things seemed so , big? tall? It was strange. Had he gotten shorter? Thinking of that, Arien did not notice, his legs having gotten slightly longer, wider at the hips , but thinner below. Despite that, his nipples appeared to have grown slightly. Arien was still looking for his clothes, until... he felt something in between his legs. He checked to see, his manhood being gone. At that sudden moment, his breasts instantly grew . Arien was finally a woman, a fully fledged woman. Arianna walked off her room and looked at the mirror , noticing her now soft and feminine face, and some of her body traits. but she also noticed her pajams she wore as a guy were on. Going back to her room , she thought the witch costume was the only thing she could wear. As she picked it up , she found a bra and a pair of panties there...they fitted her perfectly. After that she wore her witch costume. It consisted of a simple black and purple robe, and a black pointy hat. As she begun undressing , she noticed something furry on her back... turning around she saw a tail , and then...her ears felt funny. It appeared she had recieved wolf -like appendages. She had nothing to do but keep dressing. As she did , with each moment, she felt different. She now liked being beautiful , liked boys , liked her new self, but most of all , liked being special. Night had arrived, and she definitley was to have some fun for Halloween , and perhaps find a boyfriend. As she left the room , a shadowy figure of a witch appeared ...the same as from before. "Another young , sad boy has seen the joys of being a beautiful witch..."-she said with a smile.
