Sunday, January 26, 2014

Simple Challenge 9

I figured, why not bring the caption challenge thing back? It was fun. Should be fun again if anyone's still willing to give these a try.


  1. "It tasted really good." Alexis once Alexander thought to himself now herself. She had heard that there was a special wine that tasted amazing but humans could never taste it. Being a wine connoisseur Alexander immediately became interested in a wine that humans could never taste. He had searched all around for information on the wine and finally at this hotel he had found it. The people at the front desk had seemed really surprised that he had come there and even more surprised that he would ask to taste their wine. At first they had told him no, but he kept asking, and the kept saying no, they eventually told him that he would suffer consequences if he drank the wine, but he did not care he had to have that wine. So they finally brought it to him. Sitting down he opened the bottle and poured himself a glass and then raising it took his first sip. At first he didn't taste anything thinking that there must have been a problem he took another sip and another soon he had drunk the entire glass so he poured himself another glass and drank it to, still no taste. So he then decided that there was something in the glass that was causing the lack of taste and drank directly form the bottle. As he drank from the bottle he began to taste something, the taste growing stronger and stronger, he became pleased that he had finally found the taste of the wine that humans could never taste as he continued to drank the wine he was unaware of the changes happening to his body. His hair had turned blond and was growing longer and longer. His eyes had changed their color to purple and had grown larger. His ears had proceeded to grow fur and move to towards the top of his head. All the hair on his body disappeared as it became smaller. His face changed becoming smaller and cuter. His shoulders became slimmer. His arms thinned. His hips swelled as his waist became thinner. A long furry tail grew from his bottom as it became larger and softer. Then his chest pushed out growing larger and heavier as he continued to drank the wine. Continuing to drank the wine his clothes changed his pants shrank and rose up becoming a skirt. While his socks proceeded to lengthen moving up his legs, stopping just above his knees. His shirt changed with his sleeves becoming wider as his shirt split down the middle and the shoulders becoming wider leading them to slip off his smaller shoulders. Finally his crotch felt warm and began to shrink becoming a warm fuzziness as she continued to drank the wine. Finishing off the bottle she dropped it on the floor as she saw what had happened to her, remembering the taste of the wine she looked around and found another bottle grabbing it she held and wondered if she should drank even more of the wine the only thing was "It tasted really good."

  2. I have a caption for this picture, but I can't publish it because it is too large. Where can I write it?

    1. You can always split it into two or more separate comments in a reply chain, or if you have somewhere you can publish text it's fine to write it there and put a link up here.

    2. Robin entered his house and felt like he was gonna explode. The last two weeks, he had been working day and night, and the only free time he had he used it to sleep.

      The next day, he went to work as always, attending clients and making sure everything was fine. The day passed, and when he was on the way back home he saw a weird man with a top hat. Robin felt for no reason that he had to get near him, and maybe talk to him. As he did, the man just said "Drink the two bottles I give to you, and make a wish, after you finish drinking them both, you'll wish will come true."

      Robin thought this was a little weird, but took the bottles anyway, and when he looked up, the man was gone. In his home, he thought to give the bottles a try, but still was weird. First, he looked the brand of the drink on the Internet, and he found a blog that said:
      "Special weird bottles are sometimes given to you, when you feel like the world couldn't be any worse. If you drink those bottles, you'll have that wish come true, just as done. You have to drink the two bottles eventually, one glass of the drink each three hours. Until the bottles are all finished, you'll have your wish come true. But there is one risk..."

      Robin was so tired that this was the last thing he read before falling asleep before the computer. He woke up at midnight, and instantly turned off the computer and went to bed. The following day, he went to work, and took one of the two bottles with him, and as said, each three hours drank the special liquid. But before drinking the first sip, he thought on his wish. "I wish life could be easier for me", Robin said to himself and drank the first glass entirely.

      It took two days for the bottle to finish, but didn't feel like anything happening or life being 'easier'. He started to think it was fake, but since the flavour was so delicious, he kept and started the drink the next bottle. The first time he drank the second bottle he felt like everything around him getting bigger. He thought that it was because of the bottle's effects and that he needed some rest.

      The next day, on work he drank his second glass of the second bottle, still not knowing why if it had caused him to be dizzy the last day. As he finished, he felt a lot of pain in his arms, and saw them, they actually seemd a lot smaller than before. "What is going on?", Robin thought, "I won't drink this anymore." After the three hours had passed, Robin felt an urgency to drink of the special drink. "No, no, no, I can't drink this." He thought, but unexplainable he still drank the water. He felt his inner legs and feet shrinking, but his upper legs expanding. This didn't hurt, instead, Robin felt pleasant.

      Robin kept on drinking, each time becoming smaller, his hair getting blonde and longer and in general too soft and feminine. His hips expanded, as well as his butt did. His fingernails were suddenly longer and manicured, but now, Robin couldn't stop drinking, as if he was now addict to it.

      Robin was given out of nowhere a day off. This sudden act encouraged Robin to finish to drink the bottle. That day he was home and while the bottle was about to finish, he served the last glass he could, and before drinking it, his ears became like, weirder. He felt like he could hear every single noise around him, and one of the thing he heard was a fox tail spreading out of his back, out of nowhere. He drank the last glass, and felt two bumps growing on his chest, getting each time bigger and bigger, until they were really big and heavy. He went and looked in the mirror, and noticed that his clothes had also changed. He was wearing leggings, a dress, and a king of covering, whose name he didn't know. He now blushed a lot, and went back to where he was.

    3. As he walked, he felt weird between his legs, like that didn't fit for a body he now had. He saw the bottle, and noticed a little blob he hadn't drunk before. He put it up and passed the drop through his throat and a sudden force made him fall backwards. Making his upper covering fall to just cover a part of his newly boobs. Robin placed the bottle between his legs and felt more comfortable, because the thing that made him feel awkward was now gone. She looked up and blushed, because somehow she felt like everything was easier from now on.

      Robalyn stood up, and modestly covered her breasts. Robalyn went into the shower to both shower herself and take a look at her new body, ready for her new life.
