Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Simple Challenge 10


  1. “Bite your tongue,” scolded Peter. “Don’t you know that whenever someone says “I don’t believe in fairies, a fairy somewhere dies.”

    Tinker Bell giggled at that. It wasn’t the least bit true. In fact it was the opposite of the actual truth.

    Soon came her favorite part. Tinker Bell drank the poison meant for Peter Pan. To save her all the children got up, yelling “I do believe in fairies,” and clapping as loud as they could. Tink milked her moment for all that it was worth before rising and doing a few aerial flips for the sake of showboating.

    After her show, Tink assumed human form and wandered about the parkling lot, watching people leave the theatre.

    It didn’t take her long to find one. There was always at least one. A little girl cried as an older bully chanted over and over again “I don’t believe in fairies. I don’t believe in fairies. Only babies believe in fairies.”

    Smiling, Tink walked over and touched the bully with a light tap.

    The little girl stared in wonder as the bully transformed before her eyes.

    Tinker Bell was so glad she had whispered that story into J. M. Barrie’s ear. It made it so easy to reproduce.

    Fairies had always kept there existence secret from humans. They couldn’t have the whole world believing in them after all. However, they would reveal themselves to little girls from time to time. Why, you may ask. Because there was always someone quick to tell them what they saw wasn’t real.

    1. (Part One)
      Aaron had always been fascinated by the possible existence of mythological creatures. From fire-breathing dragons to water-dwelling mermaids. From giant, deadly hydras to small, harmless fairies. He didn't know if they existed or not, but he thought it would be cool if they did. As did Sasha, a friend he made not too long ago. The two of them talked about it nearly all the time and he often spoke of how much he'd love to see one... Which he was about to.
      One day, as Aaron was about to leave school, he found a note taped to his locker. 'Aaron, I have something I want to show you. Meet me at our usually hiding place at the park. -Sasha' As you could guess, he was curious, so he followed the instructions on the note. He left school and went straight to the park. He walked to the line of trees that marked the edge of the park and slipped through two trees and went to a small clearing hidden in the woods. Sasha was waiting for him there.
      "So, what's up?" Aaron asked his friend. After a small, nervous hesitation, she replied "I have something to show you... something important." He didn't have the slightest clue as to where this was going. "You know how we always talked about mystical creatures and what it would be like if they were real?" He nodded. As he did, she pulled her hair up from over her ears, revealing they were long and pointed, almost like elf ears. "What's wrong with your..." Aaron began but was cut off. "This isn't the half of it." She took off her jacket and showed Aaron something he never expected to see... Sasha had wings! Clear, blue fairy wings! Aaron was dumbfounded as she continued. "I've known about the existence of mystical creatures for my entire life because I am one. I'm a fairy." Aaron was silent for a moment before speaking up again. "If you're a fairy, why do you pretend to be a human?" "Fairies are permitted to live five years amongst humans every hundred years." "HUNDRED? How old are you?!" "I'm actually 104 years old, but that's still young for a fairy." "Ok, so why are you just now revealing yourself to me?" "As I said, we're only permitted five years and today is my last day. I wanted you to see who I really was, answer any questions you may have. But mostly, I wanted to say goodbye." "Oh." Was all he could say. After about a minute of silence, they sat down on a log and talked.

  2. Elliot was your average high schooler. A normal boy, who had been born and raised around the same area his school was. Elliot had always liked the park near his house, no.. He loved fhe park near his house. He had many memories of that place, his entire childhood revolved around that single place. So as he was coming home, something he saw , saddened him deeply. A warning. Apparently the park was going to be destroyed soon. For some sort of place to be built, Elliot couldn't care less. He sat behind a tree and cried for hours. Then suddenly, he felt something strange, it was difficult to ignore, he looked up and cleaned his eyes, removing his glasses, but as he out them back up he found it difficult to use them. He ran home and looked at the mirror, before finding his eyes had become.. A strange shade of purple. His hair , also purple blocked his view. Wait.. He had purple hair! That was shocking to say as Elliot tried to gather himself, he found his body be ding over as if someone had punched him in the stomach. At first.. His shirt felt loose. But then there came other senses. He felt his pants were too tight around his hips, but then got looser around the ends, his shirt was completely hanging over his now smaller body, and suddenly.. The roof started moving up, or did.. He start moving down? He had become shorter in the meanwhile , as it took him to process. He was changing. As he looked in the mirror making a small "Ah" in surprise, he noticed the new voice. But it was not over as he could feel his clothes changing, his pants split in half one becoming softer and going down, changing from black to blue and wrapping themselves tightly around his legs, while the rest formed into a strange black cloth with some white stripes, and it split in the middle. His shirt became from blue to white, as the top of the sleeves was buffed up a bit, as a black stripe formed down to it. The black jacket as well changed, as the sleeves moved back and became yellow, one tying into a yellow ribbon around her neck and one at the end of the back while the remainder of it formed into a vest , a purple vest. Then he felt something in her underwear change. The undewear pulled themselves towards the center as something squeezed out of existence. He was now officially a lady, trying to gather herself from the shock. As she took a couple of heavy breaths her breasts expanded each time, as she had the look of a young woman. Elliot ran back to the park, hoping to find a reason for her transformation, as it was,, by far the only probable source. And as she ran, she tripped giving a look at her new body. Soon she noticed, a small flower had tangled into her hair but it was growing, quite so, as a green stripe formed , shaping her hair into a new model and holding the grown flower. , she was about to smile.. But then her ears and back ached, as she could see the ears extend back and form into two pointy shaped as a pair of small wings formed on her back. She looked on shock, as she stood up, but then.. Noticing nobody could look at her.. This was the perfect chance. She could live forever with her park. The new fairy, Ellie would do anything to defend her beloved park now,

  3. (Part Two)
    Aaron and Sasha sat and talked for hours about her being a fairy, the existence of mystical creatures, how fairies being tiny was just a misconception, and how he didn't want to know where fairy dust came from. They talked so much, neither of them noticed the time until the sun was setting. "Well Aaron," Sasha started. "this is it. My time ends the moment the sun is completely set. I guess this is where we say goodbye." "I don't want to say goodbye!" Aaron responded. "Isn't there anything you can do?" "I wish there was. But I can grant you a wish." "A... a wish?" "Every human is permitted one wish from a fairy, should he meet one. You met one. I can grant you any wish, but you only get one. I then toss some fairy dust at you, and poof! So, what will it be?" Aaron thought about it, but he could only think of one thing he wanted. "I... I wish that there was some way we could remain friends. I just wish that somehow, we didn't have to say goodbye!"
    Sasha was in tears as she pulled out some fairy dust and sprinkled it on him saying "Wish granted." He felt a small tingling on his body as his ears began to grow and point as his earlobes disappeared. He then felt pressure in his back that continued to build and build until two clear, white wings popped out, tearing through his shirt. "I don't believe it!" Sasha exclaimed. I didn't know humans could become fairies, even with fairy dust! Now you can come back with me and live as a fairy!" Aaron couldn't help but smile... until his body began tingling again.
    He began to get smaller. Slowly, but noticeably. His skin grew softer and his body hair melted away. His feet got smaller and his legs got longer and rounder. His hips and butt pushed out while his sides, stomach, and... nether regions receded! His... uh... her torso shortened as her chest began to swell into breasts. Her Adams Apple melted away as her face got smaller and less rigid. Her hair grew and turned pink along with her eyes and wings. Finally, her clothes changed to an exact copy of his school's female uniform with the addition of a floral headband.
    They both were awestruck. Where Aaron was only minutes ago stood a pink version of of Sasha. "Aaron... I'm sorry! I didn't... I mean... I don't..." Aaron stopped her. "Don't be sorry. I don't mind." "You don't?" "All I wanted was to be able to stay your friend, I would've turned into a dog to let that happen!" "Well personally, I think being me is better than being a dog." They giggled. "So I guess this means we're twins now." "I guess so." "Then I guess we should get going. We don't wanna be late!"
    Living as a fairy was paradise for Aaron... my mistake, for Erin. She not only learned the existence of magical creatures, she WAS one! She made all new friends and couldn't be happier with her new sister. She absolutely loved everything about her new life... well, I guess she'd be a little happier if she didn't now know where fairy dust came from!
