Thursday, January 30, 2014

Simple Challenge 11


  1. Shawn had been down for awhile, and his buddy Larry wanted to help. He saw him stare wistfully at girls from time to time, and assumed he just wanted a girlfriend. Larry tried setting Shawn up with Suzie, one of the hottest girls in class.

    Shawn didn’t want to go out with her. Larry assumed he was just nervous and pressured him.

    To his credit, Shawn was a real gentleman, and treated Suzie like a princess. Unfortunately Suzie figured out the real reason for Shawn’s sadness, and told the whole class. He became a laughing stock, and Larry blamed himself for the predicament. You see, Shawn didn’t want a girlfriend, he wanted to be a girl.

    Larry got the pockey from a wizard, who told him it would change reality to the liking of whomever ate it. The wizard warned that it wouldn’t just be Shawn that transformed, but the world around him.

    Later Larry tried to give Shawn the pockey. Shawn wouldn’t listen to him. He was furious. He blamed Shown for what had happened. So while he was yelling something, Larry just shoved a piece down his throat.

    So it was that Shawns wish was granted, only at a cost. Since she was still mad at Larry when she ate the pockey, Larry turned into a cat. At least that’s what she believed happened One minute Larry was there, the next it was a cat.

    She tried eating more pockey and wishing him back to normal. No luck. The magic pockey was a once per person deal. Cheryl scratched the cat behind the ears and begged forgiveness, when there was a knock on the door.

    It was Larry. He hadn’t been turned into a cat. He was transported to a flower shop. The clerk at the store had recognized him and given him a bouquet that he had ordered in this reality. Larry took the bouquet and ran back to Cheryl’s house.

    Cheryl was so relieved. The two embraced.

    “Wait a minute,” Cheryl asked. “it you’re you then where did the cat come from?”

    Suzie the cat, crawling on all fours, inched her way towards the magic pockey.

  2. Brendon was a certain young man, who had a certain ability. That is, what most people know as magic. However, people like Brendon are, often spotted by creatures such as witches or other beings, which have a bigger magic ability, and are sometimes trained by them, or.. In a less fortunate case, toyed with. This was Brendon's case, and that of a witch named Anna. She went around and appeared when they were alone, torturing Brendon, hoping that one day she could steal his magic potential. Every so often Brendon was prey to certain unpleasant transformstion. Up until today. He had come home from school as he found Anna there, ready with a spell. As she looked and prepared the spell, and he was hit, Brendon found himself twice as shorter and smaller as he should be, picked around by Anna. when suddenly.. A BURST OF magic came from him. He could not supportthis any,onger. The bullying had to stop. So as his magic burst forward, he found himself growing larger, and Anna grew smaller as her energy was sucked dry and poured into Brendon. He watched as the former witch geew small, and was now covered in black fur. The former witch was now but a talking cat. And not a nice one either. "Change me back you little brat "- the cat said, in a voice only Brendon would ever hear. And now, before Brendon could make some snarky comment or hit her with a shower of sarcasm, he felt as if his stomach had been punched. Then he noticed.. As he grew back from the spell, he was not as tall as he was supposed to be. He felt an aching pain in his stomach, legs, arms and head, before looking to himself again. His legs had changed completely, the hips were tol wide, but the rest was too thin. His stomach was too thin as well, he had no muscle, he was certainly shorter and.. THe long brown hair had nit been there before. Before he could react, a sudden oain caught his gential area as in a few moments, he had become a lady. Shocked at this, the boy would need to yell in shock , before his drawer opened, revealing a new pair of clothes. Had she summoned them there? With her power? It did not matter, as she tried to breath, with each breath her breasts growing more and more, reaching a fairly decent size. And so she went on with putting her new, and then look herself in the mirror. The new girl looked' certainly a few years older. She wore a grey school jacket, which was black, with several crossing white lines in the inside. Her skirt held the same patterns. She had a small, pink ribbon around her neck, and wore long, black stockings, with a single white stripe near the end. Her hair was long and beautiful and her eyes had become blue.. She could easily like this girl, if of course, she had still been a boy. Now Brendon found herself more attracted to then.. Opposite sex, taking a few mental images of her old friends. She was no longer Brendon though. Perhaps, Brenda would be better. As the girl thought , she had a,ready been ready to embrace her new life. Picking a single chocolate stick from her box, she had bought on her way home.. It was delicious. As was her new life. The cat simply meowed, as the new owner would be, far more kind than she had been as a human.. Hopefully.
