Sunday, May 8, 2011

Whatcha Lookin' At?

Take a look at this quite captionable image:

She's looking up at something. It would be an overly easy caption, I think, for that something to be a guy she's now attracted to and/or a person who was responsible for changing her. So instead, make up something really bizarre or hilariously weird for her to be looking up at.

(It can be what changed her if you need it to be, as long as it's still something ludicrous or strange enough to stare up at.)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Awkward Levels Critical!

Okay, take a look at this picture:

Already a little awkward, right? Take the assumption that the girl pictured used to be male, and it becomes more awkward. Your challenge is to, by events described in your caption, make things even more awkward! See if you can break the awkwardness meter!

(You're free to make up whatever you like about the male pictured and their prior/present relationship)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Other Challenge Blogs

Hey, this post isn't a challenge because I'd like to announce something. I've decided to add something over on the right side of the posting area: A list of links to other people's anime caption challenge blogs. As far as I'm concerned we are not in competition, so I'm perfectly happy to point to other such things from here. So far there's only one there, but if you've made a challenge blog of some sort please comment on this post with a link to it, and I'll be glad to add it to the list!

I encourage anyone who's into captioning to at least have a look at these links.

More challenges coming from me later this month, probably.