Monday, May 2, 2011

Other Challenge Blogs

Hey, this post isn't a challenge because I'd like to announce something. I've decided to add something over on the right side of the posting area: A list of links to other people's anime caption challenge blogs. As far as I'm concerned we are not in competition, so I'm perfectly happy to point to other such things from here. So far there's only one there, but if you've made a challenge blog of some sort please comment on this post with a link to it, and I'll be glad to add it to the list!

I encourage anyone who's into captioning to at least have a look at these links.

More challenges coming from me later this month, probably.


  1. Hey thanks Whatevr89532, and we are not in a competition at all. I just suck at making my own captions. So thanks again.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
