For the challenge, suppose that she was male previously, and that she is not embarrassed about having become female (embarrassment about wearing female clothing, being attracted to males, etc. also falls under this); reveal some other reason for the blush in your caption.
(As mentioned before, challenges are optional. Please say so if you've chosen not to go with the challenge. All previous challenges are still open to captioning, so don't stop making ones for the prior image if you were going to)
ReplyDelete"Hi There!"
Adam had been walking around the school grounds, minding his own business and trying to come up with some way to kill his boredom for a few hours. Without notice, a girl, his age, hopped out of a nearby bush and stood in front of him. She was pretty cute, but she had big ears on top of her head and a fluffy tail that kept wagging about. He weighed his excitement over a cute girl actually talking to him against the utter strangeness of the situation. “Uh... Hello,” he responded.
“I’m bored! Wanna’ play with me?” The kid turned bright red, and he slowly nodded. The fox girl clasped her hands against his, and made eye contact. “Great! Hold still for a sec, ‘kay?”
Although his face was the same color as a cherry, some supernatural force had bound their eyes and Adam became physically unable to break eye contact. He became hotter and hotter and redder and redder until he felt like he was melting, and sweat dripped into his eyes, obscuring his vision and causing burning. Too much pressure! He shut his eyes, backed off, and tried to make himself feel invisible. Finally, he started to cool off a little bit.
“Cool! Okay, thanks! See you later!”
“Huh? Where are you- My voice? My body? COME BACK!”
Adam saw himself running off on all fours towards the school, while he remained behind, twiddling his thumbs. This was too strange. He should have just ignored her.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry,” muttered Chris.
ReplyDelete“Normally I’m so good with dogs, but lately…”
“Don’t worry about it.,” said Hank, “I’m sure Duke will adjust. It’s not like it’s your fault he went nuts at you.”
“Still, I’m sorry about setting him off. I’m sure the neighbors-“ Hank cut her off right there with a finger to her lips.
“It’s fine, Chris. They’re off on vacation. Heck, there’s nobody around here except us and Duke.”
Chris smiled. “Then I guess there’ll be nobody who hears this.” At that, she grabbed his arms and locked lips with him.
Matthew had the weirdest of dreams. It was in first-person point of view, but he was watching himself sleep. He felt small, but fast and swift. He raised his paw, discovering the truth: he was a fox.
ReplyDeleteSuddenly, he was overwelmed by a urge to bite his own human body. He tried to resist, but the animal instinct was too strong. The moment he bit himself on his left hand, he woke up, startled.
He sat up on the bed, his breathing heavy, due to his bad dream. He tried to scratch his head, and foud an odd... furriness about it. He touched more, panicking, and then went to the bathroom, to look himself in the mirror. Those were ears! Animal ears, at that. As if it was not enough, his hair become to grow long and fair, settling for a cute dark blonde colour.
He tried to settle down, closing his eyes. There had to be a logical explanation. And it wasn't that bad, having that long hair.
He looked again in the mirror, and foud his face to have become cuter, and his shoulder narrower. At this point, he was kinda curious about where all this would lead.
Watching himself change was like those slow-morph in movies. His hips went wider, his skin paler in an alluring way. His belly went flat, however not in a sick way. Lastly, his chest went puffier and puffier, until there were two unmistakenable female breasts to end the alluring figure which was looking back at him. Or her, as he soon discovered.
She was entranced by what she had become. So beautiful, so gorgeous, one might think. She didn't feel as if she lost something, or as she gained a whole load of new troubles, but as if this was a great opportunity.
As she was wondering how to hide those ears, she felt a pull from his back. Martha leaned forward, moaning half in pleasure, half in pain, and bent over the sink, until her tail was fully developed.
Trying not to awake her roomate Jack, she went back to her room, to find some clothes that would fit.
While she made a resolve to go shopping as soon as possible, she wore black trousers and matching top and jacket. She hid her left hand as much as possible, finding that -oh, surprise!- there was a bite on it.
Then she felt the door open. Jack was there, staring as she was putting the jacket on.
"Hi... have we met before?" He was blushing heavily, looking down. Usually Jack was a bold person, but now he was very tame
"Well... I'm Martha, pleased to meet you" she heard herself say, with a pleasant soft voice.
"Hi Martha... uh... would you go out with me? There's a fine Saturday morning out there"
She blushed, embarassed "Er... well... I don't see why not..." The thought was not disturbing her, but she surely was caught by surprise "Now get out, and next time do not enter a girl's room without knocking first" She shoved him out, closing the door behind him. She smiled.
The following caption was posted by one Muffinstud (http://muffinstudstory.livejournal.com/), an excellent writer and captioner, quite some time ago when this same image and challenge was posed on the MSF forums:
"Hey honey, could you come in here and talk for a minute?"
You get up from the computer and walk into the other room, somewhat confused. There, in the center of the living room, is someone you know very well, if not for a very long time. She has striking red eyes and long blond hair that flows behind a tantalizing body. Her dark outfit contrasts her curves against the flowing locks rather nicely. She is the kind of beauty that would never be in your league, but the furry ears atop her head and the fluffy tail peeking out her backside belie what could possibly be her only flaw.
She wasn't always human. At one time, you had a pet fox, red like the ones those rich British men used to hunt. He was tame enough, and had been a great companion in your otherwise lonely life. And yes, he was most definitely a male fox, as the government wouldn't allow you to neuter him. Well, that changed when you found that thread.
Scientists called them Super Strings, but they were more commonly known as the Threads of Fate. They were called so because of how they seemed to shift from gold to silver to platinum and back again, always shining and always looking like the finest of valuable metals. Grab one in the middle, and you could feel the very influence they had over time and space. Touch one of the ends however, and you would end up like your fox. One end stuck into his nose, the other rooted into your sister's hairbrush she accidentally left on her last visit.
Before you could say "You're breaking the laws of physics," your long time pet started growing and taking on a humanoid shape. The brush dissolved into a million golden fibers that attached to his head and grew out with him. By the time he was waist high, you noticed his fur disappearing. When he stood on his hind legs, his shape became more shapely. You can still feel the heat of your cheeks when you noticed him transition into a her. It took all of five minutes, but it seemed much longer as you saw every detail of your pet's transformation into a truly foxy lady.
You smile as you recall your time together, teaching her how to pronounce the language she could now speak, showing her how to dress herself and why, and even simple evenings just enjoying each other's company. Truly, ever since the Thread of Fate entered your life, your companion had only become even more enjoyable to have around.
"What is it? Something wrong?"
She blushes and gives you an apprehensive look.
"I... I don't know. I've had an upset stomach for a while now. And I missed my period. I looked it up on the magic box and..." You smirk as she uses her nick name for the computer and- wait, what?
"Wait, you think you're..."
"Pregnant," she nods, still apprehensive. "You haven't even told your family about me yet, and here I am dropping a litter on you. Are you mad?"
Well, are you?
What's the meaning of the japanese hiragana characters?