The challenge is to pick a specific person in the picture, and write a TG caption about that person. It obviously must include the others in some way, but your caption should make it evident that the one you've chosen is the main character (it should also be clear which of the people in the picture is supposed to be your main character). It's entirely possible that these people were changed by different means, at different times, and ended up here for different reasons, so perhaps this could even form something like a cooperative caption? (Don't let that stop you from using a character you've seen used before here, though.)
There may be more group challenges in the future.
Out of Work (One At A Time)
ReplyDeleteThe economic depression had really hit Sam and his friends, Alex, Russell and Brad hard. They had lost their jobs and were sitting in the bar drowning their sorrows in alcohol. Kate, the bartender and their friend tried to cheer them up. “Guys, if you really need work, then you should stop drinking and start looking for jobs. There’s no use crying over spilled milk.” She said. “Kate,” Brad replied, “People everywhere are getting fired. Unless you can get us a job, it doesn’t look like we’re going to work anytime soon.” “Come to think of it...” Kate said, “We happen to be looking for a few people to wait tables. Are you guys interested? I mean the pay isn’t great but the job does have it’s perks.” Sam jumped! “Really? You could get us jobs?!” he said. “Sure but I need to talk to my boss first. Gimme a minute.” Kate said. She then stepped into the backroom to make a call to her boss only to return a few minutes later. She smiled and said, “You guys have got the job! Come to the backroom so that we can have a drink to celebrate.” The four friends cheered and followed Kate into the backroom. There Kate prepared the same drink for all of them and raised her glass in a toast, “To your new lives and jobs working at this bar!” Then they all clinked their glasses and took a gulp, all of them, except Kate. Immediately they collapsed and fell to the floor. “Sorry guys I can’t let you work here in your current state.” Kate said as she watched the changes happening in their bodies.
First their coats vanished, and the hair on their bodies retracted into their skin. Next their pants grew tight as their waist grew out and their legs became more shapely. Their belts turned blue and blue ribbons sprouted from the sides while their stomach became thinner and smooth to give them a perfect hourglass figure. Next they began to shrink until they were even shorter than Kate. Their faces became more and more round and their eyes became almond shaped. Their shirts shrank until they only covered the top half of their chest while their ties turned into different coloured bows. Their hair began to grow though at different rates as ribbons began to coil around them. Alex’s hair reached his neck, Russell’s reached his hips, Sam’s reached his back and Brad’s grew long and tied itself into a ponytail. Their hair then changed colour to match the bows on their chests. The sleeves of their shirts shrank away from the middle of their arms leaving only the cuffs near their hands and tube tops on their chests, which were held up by suspenders. Their shoes turned into white high heels and their pants shrank up their legs and opened up into miniskirts while Alex’s pants disappeared altogether leaving only a pair of tight white boxers covering his alluring legs. Sam, Brad and Russell’s boxers shrank into a pair of panties. All the guys undergarments seemed to be putting pressure on their manly areas. With girly moans, the underclothes suddenly seemed to fit perfectly. Their socks grew up their legs, turning into stockings. They stood up only just in time to see bulges appearing under their shirts growing into a moderate pair of breasts for each of them.
Kate clapped. “Good job guys! You took it much better than I did when I first started working here. Your next task is to go home and work on your balance in those heels.” She said adding, “We can’t have you dropping all the drinks on the first day now can we?” All four of them seemed elated. “I see what you mean by perks!” the former Alex said as he examined his new body’s contours.
Together they went home and returned the next day. Soon the bar seemed to be filled all the time with men just waiting to catch a glimpse of the new waitresses: Samantha, Alexis, Ruth and Britney, not to forget the bartender Kate.
(Yes, I'm responding to one of my own challenges. Because I had an idea from it.)
ReplyDeleteThe waitresses of the Beach Girl Cafe wear different uniforms; each piece of the uniform that is different has a meaning, but the customers don't know what those meanings are. The employees are well aware of their meaning, however.
Ryan was one such employee. The pay was very good: He had to remind himself of that every time he went into one of the employee changing rooms, took off all of his clothes, and put on his uniform.
It looked to consist only of a pair of white boxer shorts, hardly enough to work in a restaurant in. Ryan knew better. As soon as the shorts were on properly, they started to shrink. When the shorts shrank, Ryan's whole body started shrinking. It felt as if pressure was coming in from all sides and forcing it in; it was uncomfortable, but not painful.
Different parts of Ryan shrank at different rates. His stomach, arms, and neck shrank the fastest, while his legs hardly shrank at all, instead just gaining a more rounded shape to them. His stomach's shrinking included becoming completely flat and thin. His skin became smooth, the hair thinning or disappearing altogether; his hair turned a bright blue color and grew out just a little bit.
A small piece of black,rubbery material seemed to crawl down onto each of Ryan's legs; each one wrapped itself around a thigh and then grow downward, quickly squeezing tight on Ryan's now rather shapely lower limbs. On reaching the bottom, the material morphed again, forming a pair of blue and white roller skates. While all this was happening, Ryan's upper body wasn't quiet. A piece of white cloth ran up from the shorts and wrapped itself around Ryan's chest area, with bright blue straps and a ribbon right in the middle, and two little cuffs pushed themselves onto his wrists. A piece of bright blue ribbon even wrapped itself around his neck.
Finally, the most important, and most uncomfortable changes came. The shorts finally squeezed their tightest between Ryan's legs, and soon lay flat there, leaving a telltale hole that this was undoubtedly a female. Under the shorts there was now a pair of blue silk panties, and a blue belt and two more blue ribbons had formed just below her midriff. Ryan's chest sprang to life, two perky brests pushing their way out until the top fight snugly and there was ample cleavage above it.
Ria sighed deeply, working to ignore the slight headache that came with the abrupt insertion of knowledge about how to be a waitress, muscle memory and skills for skateboarding and ridiculous balance. Once that was done, she put on a smile and went out for another day's shift.
@ Whatever89532 Oh! So that's how it's done! You just OWNED ME!
ReplyDeleteThis turned out a lot longer than I expected, but enjoy:
All things considered, Alexis wishes she could be somewhere else right about now: now don't be alarmed, but that cute waitress and her friends weren't always that way - when their shifts are over they all turn back into the boys that they are.
See, when school let out for the summer, Alex, his brother, and their friends went looking for some cool summer jobs they could do together, but ran into a rut: fast food (anywhere but McDonalds), clothing stores, even the city library - nobody needed all four friends for anything.
As a joke, his brother suggested they work at their family's restaurant, which the rest of the guys immediately jumped at. Alexis tried to stop them, but they didn't listen - see, they didn't grow up working in that shop so they didn't know the way things worked with his family, and the guys fell on deaf ears to his protests. It wasn't until his brother snickeringly signed them all up that they realized what they were expected to do...
See, Alexis' family is all magic except for him and his brother (late bloomers, go fig), and had a… unique way of running things. The restaurant never needed cooks or managers, but the customers loved their cute waitresses in their sexy matching outfits - so once the two were old enough, whenever they were short a girl, they would always turn him completely into a female self - Alexis - to take up the slack. He never liked it (though his jerk of a brother always thought it was hilarious), especially given how much it made him change, but he eventually had to get used to it.
So it was with resigned annoyance that Alex accepted he would now be spending a lot of girl time this summer. The other guys were totally shocked, but it was too late now, and they did need the money...
The newest waitresses were a big hit, but as usual Alexis wasn't like the other girls - most other guys, particularly his friends, weren't prepared to hold their own against the magic that changed them, so their female personalities were as girly as they come, and his brother saw it as a joke to take in stride, so he had no problem with the spell making him from a regular guy to your average teenage girl. But Alex had been forced to do this for a while, and he never liked having to lose his manhood, and his years long dedication against being turned into a girl had rubbed of on Alexis a long time ago.
Sure, the spell still made her think like a girl, but she was nowhere near as feminine as her friends. She wore darker clothes when she could, demanded her parents not make her wear the short skirts the other girls did, always kept her blue hair short, and while the other girls flirted with the boys who came in for a bite and giggled about their other still male friends (who didn't have a clue who the girls they were ogling really where), Alexis never had the same interest… or, at least, not as often (she would sometimes tease her best friend Janice that when she turned back into Jake she was actually kind of cute… at least before she turned back into Alex).
But sure, she didn't mind being nice and friendly (just not as much as her overenthusiastic sister… ugh…), and she didn't hate her job, per se, but she'd much rather be somewhere else than parade herself in skimpy clothes for everyone she knows and tons of people she doesn't, even if the job does pay well. And would it kill her friends to not be so… bubbly?
Sigh… only four more weeks of this - McDonalds is starting to look better all the time.
Not a caption, but I just felt like mentioning I would not trust anyone in this picture to serve my food without dropping it. Look at the angles they're holding those plates at!