Friday, February 18, 2011

Simple Challenge 1

This is just a simple, generic challenge. No special conditions at all, just make a TG caption for the following image:

(As implied by the number, there will probably be more simple challenges in the future.)


  1. Jon always wonder how life was for girls. They were able to wear many different types of clothing and seem so easy going among themselves.

    Then one hot spring day, Jon was sweating in his black school uniform. He tries to open up the collar a bit but it felt unbearable still. He looked who was walking next to him on this walk to school and it was a group of giggling girls wearing the girl's uniform. The white clothed looked so cool and the girls didn't seem to feel uncomfortable at all.

    "I wish I could wear something as comfortable as what they are wearing," said Jon as he watched the girls with a bit envy.

    It was then that Jon felt a shiver running down his body. He felt a bit of pain as he was losing height. At the same time Jon's short brown hair was becoming longer and longer is the color was becoming darker to a black color.

    Jon felt a bit uneasy and at once tries to speed up his walk to school. He was bray entering the school when he felt his hips widen while his waist thinned to give his body a kind of curved look. His frame was becoming thinner as well to help emphasize the curves.

    Jon turned the corner as he could feel his hair touching his bottom. His clothing soon began to change as his shoes were becoming a pair of brown slip on shoes while his socks felt tighter on his legs. They then began to grow up his legs while at the same time his black pants of his uniform was becoming white and shorter. Soon it was a foot above his knees. Jon's socks were a few inches above his knees but his eyes widen as he saw that his legs were hairless.

    Jon walks a bit faster and he could see that the pants' opening were widening and fusing to look like the white skirts that the girls wear. Soon his uniform coat was going from black to white as it became the blazer that the girls wear. It felt tight as it press against his body. Jon could see that his undershirt had became a blouse. Under the clothing Jon could feel two mounds sprouting. They were growing bigger and bigger pressing against the blouse and blazer. Soon Jon felt something forming over them and had to guess that it was a bra.

    Jon stopped walking and soon fell back against a wall. A red ribbon was tied under the collar of his shirt as he could see from the corner of his eye that bigger red ribbon was in his hair acting as sort of a hairband. Jon was in shock as he was witnessing what was happening. Soon he could feel a pull between his legs as the final change was being done to finalize his wish.

    "I-I-I-" said Jon as she looked down at her body. Sun from a nearby window was shining though to help her take a better look at her body. Tears began to form in her eyes. "I feel so nice like this. So much better!"

  2. Alright! Here's mine!


    Although he wasn’t really sure about this, his mother had insisted that Jun go through with it. Otherwise he would be disrespectful towards his grandmother’s last wishes! The woman had always been pretty eccentric, and Jun was beginning to wonder if she got it from her mother...

    When his grandmother passed away, the family made a great hubbub about how Jun was to inherit her favorite ribbon. The thing was gorgeous! It was a shade of red that seemed to glow when the sunlight hit it from just the right angle. Then there was the warmth it When you wrapped it around yourself, it was like the woman herself was there, giving you a hug. When you actually wore it...

    Well, Jun found out, when a guy like himself actually put the ribbon on, he’d turn into a girl of roughly the same description. Grandmother’s will strictly stated that she wanted him to wear it, always. At home, to school, always.

    It made him uncomfortable for many reasons. For one, the new skirt his mother had bought him did nothing to keep his legs warm. All of his friends had no clue who he was. Finally, he couldn’t stop wondering whether or not his mother and grandmother had truly been the great women they claimed to be...

  3. Hey, This is Tgteen, I have a blog kind of like this one with the challenges that i've had for a while, I just haven't started making posts on it though cuz I forgot it was there, silly me. I found yours and im glad someone else finally decided to make another captions challenge like I did a while ago, so I decided to write a caption for your first image, so here it is. Enjoy.

    Kyle was an all-around awesome person, or at least thats what he would tell you. Everyone else thought of him as a big jerk. He loved to play pranks on everyone. But when Jamie moved to his high school everything was going to change.

    I've really outdone myself this time thought Kyle to himself as he waited for Jamie to walk around the corner. Earlier that day his teacher had assigned Kyle to show the new girl Jamie around the school and get her to her classes. Kyle was fine with it because he got to miss part of his classes, but also because he could get to pull his famous welcome prank on her.

    After he showed Jamie to last period class, Kyle started to set up. He covered the doorway with tape, filled a bucket of water and tied it to the door handle so when she opened it would fall on her, and he carefully laid some tennis balls all over the floor.

    When the bell Rang Jamie was the first person out of the room, just as Kyle knew she would be (she was the only person in the school taking Calculus) and walked right into Kyle's prank. After she stood up she saw Kyle and some other people standing there laughing. After Kyle admitted to pulling the prank, Jamie muttered a few words and then ran away crying.

    After Kyle and his friends had gotten their laughs out, Kyle and his best friend Zack headed off towards the parking lot. On the way Zack realized that Kyle was about as tall as him, which was weird because Kyle was 6' 2'' and Zack was barley 5 and a half feet tall. As he looked closer he realized that Kyle's hair was also growing out longer and longer, his baseball cap that he had been wearing had turned into a large ribbon reaching almost all the way to his hips, which had strangely grown wider and his butt had gotten bigger.

    His pants started to shrink up his legs and were fusing together. His socks started to grow longer out of his shoes that looked more like girls flats. They climbed up his legs and became thinner and started to look more like stockings then socks. As his pants finally fused all the way together and stopped moving Zack realized that the front of Kyle's skirt was laying flat which showed that there was something missing. Kyle's shirt was changing into a what looked like a blouse and when it and the skirt turned white, looked oddly like the girl's school uniform.

    As Kyle let out an "ahh..." in his new high pitched voice to lumps pushed out of his chest forming into sizeable breasts, and then the transformation was complete.

    Kyle and Zach stood there for a few minutes in stunned silence suddenly broken by the ringing of Kyle's cell phone. A text message was waiting for Kyle when he picked it up. It said "Thats what you get for pulling a prank on an accomplished witch. Enjoy your knew life Kayla."

  4. Sorry if my English may seem odd, but I'm not English-speaking. Hope you enjoy!


    The previous morning, John got a letter from his town's old school.
    The subject wasn't very clear, but they definitely wanted him to get back, even though he graduated several years before. He figured that maybe they wanted him to advise the students on the life after graduation, university and stuff like that.

    As soon as he got there, he sensed something awkward. He definitely remembered his school not to be an all-girls one, but he shrugged the thought off "Everithing changes, from time to time".

    Upon the entrance, a female teacher directed him to the principal's office, with a giggle and a smile.

    The principal was also a woman. The fact that the staff was composed only of women seemed normal to John. The principal started talking, but John couldn't seem to focus. He was feeling quite dizzy. She was saying something about the school needing a certain number of students, the town being too small to have more girls to send to school, the picking of his name and of several other ex-students to be given a "second chance"...

    After a few moments of absent-minded listening, he searched his pants for the cellphone, to check the time. The odd part was discovering he was wearing a skirt, and an ample one, for that matter. Watching the over-knee socks, however, he still wasn't at all surprised, as if this was a normal choice of clothing for a boy. His hand went up to his hair, while he looked back to the principal. She was taller than a few moments before, wasn't she? And his hair seemed longer than this morning, didn't they? Almost like a girl's...

    That thought made him recover from his dizziness. John darted upwards, against the wall, as he searched his body. Now he was definitely a girl in his teenage years. Jo looked at the principal and pouted, saying "You know, if you offered this technology to people who wanted themselves to change willingly, you could easily solve your budget problems, instead of just running this school".
    "Oh. Yes, maybe" deflected the Principal "Was your major Economics, sweetie?"
    "Yes it was. However" she said, shrugging "I don't know how you manage this, but somehow I don't mind this change. Now, if you excuse me, I have lessons to attend to"
    That said, she walked out. Only after that she broke her mask of superiority, and rushed joyfully to meet his new life.
